Bowdoinham, Maine Weather by Month

Bowdoinham is a charming town located in Sagadahoc County in the state of Maine, United States. Situated along the western bank of the Kennebec River, Bowdoinham offers picturesque views and a serene environment that captures the essence of New England’s rural beauty. The town is approximately 35 miles north of Portland, Maine’s largest city, and 25 miles south of Augusta, the state capital.

Covering an area of about 39 square miles, Bowdoinham is home to a population of around 3,000 residents. The town’s geography is characterized by its rolling hills, fertile farmlands, and extensive waterfront, which provides ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. Bowdoinham’s small-town charm is complemented by a strong sense of community and rich historical heritage.

One of the most notable landmarks in Bowdoinham is the Cathance River Nature Preserve, which offers scenic trails and a diverse range of wildlife. The town is also known for its annual Bowdoinham Summer Festival, which brings together residents and visitors for a celebration of local culture and traditions. While Bowdoinham does not host any major universities, it is in proximity to Bowdoin College in nearby Brunswick, which adds to the educational and cultural landscape of the region.

Bowdoinham’s economy is largely supported by agriculture, small businesses, and tourism. The town is known for its organic farms and artisanal products, which are featured at the Bowdoinham Farmers’ Market. Additionally, the town’s commitment to sustainability and preservation of its natural resources is evident in its community initiatives and local policies.

Climate and Weather Overview

Bowdoinham experiences a humid continental climate, characterized by cold, snowy winters and warm, humid summers. The town witnesses four distinct seasons, each bringing unique weather patterns and opportunities for various activities.

Average Monthly Climate Data

Month Average Temperature (°F) Average Precipitation (in) Average Sunny Days
January 24 3.5 9
February 26 3.0 10
March 34 3.9 11
April 45 3.6 12
May 56 3.4 14
June 65 3.6 15
July 70 3.5 17
August 68 3.6 16
September 60 3.4 13
October 50 4.1 11
November 40 4.3 10
December 29 3.9 8

Detailed Weather by Month


January in Bowdoinham is typically the coldest month of the year, with average temperatures around 24°F. The town experiences significant snowfall, averaging about 3.5 inches of precipitation, primarily in the form of snow.

Natural Disasters

Bowdoinham is not particularly prone to natural disasters in January, though heavy snowstorms and occasional ice storms can occur, leading to hazardous road conditions.


  • Inside: January is ideal for cozy indoor activities such as visiting local museums, enjoying a hot beverage at a café, or attending community events at the town hall.
  • Outside: Outdoor enthusiasts can engage in activities like ice skating, sledding, and cross-country skiing in the surrounding areas.


February remains cold in Bowdoinham, with temperatures averaging around 26°F. Snowfall continues, although less frequent than in January, with around 3.0 inches of precipitation.

Natural Disasters

Similar to January, February does not typically see natural disasters, though snowstorms and ice storms can occasionally disrupt daily activities.


  • Inside: Indoor events such as craft fairs and winter markets provide entertainment and shopping opportunities.
  • Outside: Residents and visitors can enjoy winter sports, including snowshoeing and ice fishing in nearby parks.


March marks the beginning of a transition to spring, with average temperatures rising to 34°F. Precipitation increases to 3.9 inches, with a mix of rain and snow.

Natural Disasters

March can occasionally see late winter storms, which may cause temporary disruptions.


  • Inside: As the weather begins to warm, indoor activities like attending art exhibits or visiting the local library become popular.
  • Outside: Early spring hikes and birdwatching are favored activities as the landscape starts to thaw.


April brings a noticeable change in weather, with temperatures averaging 45°F. Rain becomes more common, contributing to the 3.6 inches of precipitation.

Natural Disasters

Flooding can be a concern in April due to increased rainfall and snowmelt from higher elevations.


  • Inside: April is a great time for indoor gardening workshops and historical tours of Bowdoinham’s landmarks.
  • Outside: Gardening, fishing in local streams, and outdoor festivals are popular as the weather becomes more pleasant.


May sees a significant warming trend, with temperatures averaging 56°F. Precipitation remains consistent, averaging 3.4 inches, primarily from rain.

Natural Disasters

Heavy rains can occasionally lead to minor flooding, but severe weather is rare.


  • Inside: Art classes and local theater performances provide cultural enrichment.
  • Outside: May is ideal for hiking, cycling, and participating in outdoor community events such as farmers’ markets.


June is the start of summer, with temperatures averaging 65°F. The town receives about 3.6 inches of rain, often from thunderstorms.

Natural Disasters

Thunderstorms can occasionally bring strong winds and lightning, but severe weather is uncommon.


  • Inside: Indoor concerts and art exhibitions continue to attract visitors.
  • Outside: June is perfect for picnics, boating on the Kennebec River, and attending outdoor concerts and festivals.


July is the warmest month in Bowdoinham, with average temperatures reaching 70°F. Rainfall is around 3.5 inches, typically from afternoon thunderstorms.

Natural Disasters

Thunderstorms are frequent but generally not severe. Heatwaves can occasionally occur.


  • Inside: Visitors can escape the heat in air-conditioned venues such as the local movie theater or shopping centers.
  • Outside: Outdoor activities like swimming, kayaking, and attending Independence Day celebrations are popular.


August remains warm, with average temperatures around 68°F. Precipitation stays consistent at 3.6 inches, mostly from thunderstorms.

Natural Disasters

Similar to July, thunderstorms and occasional heatwaves can occur.


  • Inside: Indoor fitness classes and museum visits offer a break from the heat.
  • Outside: Hiking, fishing, and attending outdoor music festivals are favorite activities.


September brings cooler temperatures, averaging 60°F. Rainfall decreases slightly to 3.4 inches.

Natural Disasters

The risk of natural disasters remains low, though remnants of hurricanes can bring heavy rain.


  • Inside: Art shows and historical lectures continue to draw interest.
  • Outside: The fall foliage begins to appear, making it a perfect time for scenic drives and apple picking.


October is characterized by cooler temperatures averaging 50°F and 4.1 inches of rain. The fall foliage reaches its peak.

Natural Disasters

October can occasionally see remnants of tropical storms, bringing heavy rainfall.


  • Inside: Indoor Halloween events and seasonal craft fairs are popular.
  • Outside: Leaf-peeping, pumpkin picking, and hayrides are favorite fall activities.


November brings colder weather, with temperatures averaging 40°F. Precipitation increases to 4.3 inches, and the first frost may occur.

Natural Disasters

Early winter storms can occasionally disrupt travel and daily activities.


  • Inside: Thanksgiving-themed events and indoor craft markets are highlights.
  • Outside: Fall hikes and preparing for winter sports are common outdoor activities.


December sees temperatures averaging 29°F, with 3.9 inches of precipitation, primarily from snow.

Natural Disasters

Winter storms can occasionally cause disruptions, but major natural disasters are rare.


  • Inside: Holiday markets, indoor holiday concerts, and community gatherings are festive options.
  • Outside: Ice skating, holiday light displays, and winter festivals are popular as the town embraces the holiday spirit.

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